3 Goals Which I Would Like To Achieve At 30

Monday 25 September 2017

Last night it suddenly dawned on me that at the end of January in a few months time I shall be turning 30 years old.
This may seem like a celebratory birthday milestone but in my mind what hangs over my head is a feeling of dread.

Why do I feel this way? well, when I was 18 years I had a vision that by the age of 30 that I would have my dream job and be in the right relationship with the right man. Life hasn't turned out how I expected it to and this gives me a feeling that I've not measured up.

Can all of my desires and goals still happen? of course, they can. I'm trying not to feel discouraged because I'm not where I want to be. Timing is everything. My time will come.

Despite how crap I feel sometimes I can see the positives to where I am in life. I have the opportunity to be able to drive my life in whatever direction that I want it to.

So how do I deal with approaching 30? well, I have an attitude of gratitude and think about everything which I have achieved so far in my nearly 30 years of being on this earth. I can see the growth within myself and take all of the experience to learn from. I let go of the old expectations of where I should of been and create new goals of where I want to be.

I'd like to share with you 3 goals which I would like to achieve by the age of 30

3 Goals I Would Like To Achieve At 30

1. Learning How To Drive
I would love to pass my driving test. I've had lessons on and off over the years but it would be amazing to pass my test to be able to get into my own car and drive. I have researched what car I would like and how much MOT and insurance is going to cost. It's all prepared in my mind but it's just at that stage where I'd like to put it back into action and get back into the driver's seat. I can stop borrowing my friends car for selfies after I have passed my test. haha :)
2. Attending More Social Events
I'm getting to a point where I'm no longer Hayley the social butterfly who enjoys passionfruit margaritas, putting her false lashes on and dancing the night away. I've turned into Hayley the hermit crab who doesn't go out and prefers to wears no makeup and cozy pajamas at home. Quiet nights infront of the TV are more appealing to me right now and that's OK (I'm absolutely loving Great British Bake Off).
However my lack of social interaction can be a cause of concern sometimes. If anyone else is like this then please leave me a comment below :)

I'd like to attend more social events even if I have to physically force myself out of the house. I'd like to be Hayley the social butterfly once again because I do like socialising when I get out. I love attending blogger events and hopefully, in the future, I will be asked to many more.

Watch my most recent vlog of what I have been up too below.
3. Indulge
I'd like to indulge and treat myself more often. I'd like to eat out at restaurants or stop by a cute little coffee shop which I always walk past but never go into. Life is meant to be enjoyed and a bit of indulgence in a treat does you good. Who knows who I might bump into. Life can change in an instant :)

Bunny Hugs,




  1. I like your goals 😊 And while number one doesn't interest me in the slightest I should take a leaf out of your book on 2 & 3

    1. Thank you :) i'm glad that 2 and 3 have inspired you. that's wonderful xx
